Wednesday 28 December 2011

Agencies. 3

Made by six


Our clients work directly with our designers, benefitting from our studio culture of developing challenging ideas. Our design process is informed by clear strategic thinking and delivered with a vigorous attention to detail.

We see every project as an opportunity, and our best work is done when clients share our ambition for design. It’s an approach that has led to lasting, fruitful relationships valued as much by boutique businesses as it is by global brands.

Again relationships with clients is something i find extremely necessary, six has always appealed to me as Dropyx was one of the first pieces of graphic design that truly inspired me, one thing i appreciate in graphic design is when a designer can create a massively very effective piece of design as simple as they can, most of their projects reflect this attribute and it has always been something i try and incorporate into my design.


Agencies. 2

Tappin Goffin.

A studio i found whilst browsing 'Collate', a close client relationship is something i am looking to find when working with a studio after university, i feel it helps develop a much better idea generation with projects, this being a small studio is another plus for me, i am not looking to go into anything to major just yet, i would like to explore a few smaller studios to begin with and move upwards from there.

The work featured on their website mostly in the music industry has a wonderfully wide range of approaches and finishes to projects.


Inventory Studio.

Our approach

Inventory studio is a place for serious and considered play. we take on projects we believe in, aiming to always produce well researched, intelligent, thoughtful and concept driven work that goes beyond expectations. - We make good things great.
A studio with a huge portfolio of wide variety in every industry related to graphic design showing innovative and creative approaches to projects i really like the way this studio works and whats created.
I am definitely looking for a studio that specilises in print as apposed to screen based work, in terms of the style of graphic design i would rather not have a style and go into a design agency that also doesn't specialise in any certain client groups, this way i will be able to develop a much broader portfolio.


Positives / Negatives

After completing are final task for Fred's session before finishing for Christmas we were asked to write a list in our groups of 5 / 6 discussing the positive and negatives we found when working with timelines using more than 5 frames.


- Considering the time as apposed to frames.
- More idea generation
- Improve drawing skills
- Better understanding of the use of pace
- Realising blank frames are important.


- Develop ideas through the timeline not in your head
- Deciding where colour use is appropriate
- Not enough room on the timeline

Thursday 22 December 2011



At first glance this agency appeared perfect for me the work, incredible the motivation, inspirational, and the principles for design are the same as mine, unfortunately this design agency is Norwegian based and i do not want to leave England, even for a perfect studio, i may still try to arrange a studio visit if they accept me but as of yet i'm unsure, i suppose it's worth a try though.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Enterprise 3.

I like to think that personally i can change my approaches to design and feel i have a variety of different skills to put into practice in response to a brief and i know over the next year and a half i will develop these further along with more skills, i also try to vary my designs whilst working, in order to achieve a wide range of deliverables as to not be tied to having a 'style'.

Most design agencies look for certain properties within new designers, so when i am to begin searching for agencies i feel the best way to go about it would be to research in depth into the agencies, see what it is their looking for and create a suitable portfolio of my work.

I would like to collect together a good list of different agencies i like, along with reasons for liking them, this will help me approach each agency in a specific manor.

Again depending on the agency i'd be approaching would affect the way i went about speaking to them, i believe there will be some formal agencies and some more relaxed, so i would again research and put together a short interview practice in response to how i feel they would treat the situation, i would also look into detail in regards to what they promote themselves for instance if the were big on logo designs, i would show my projects i felt were strong in terms of brand identity etc.

In terms of creating media to promote myself i would use the basics to start off with such as business cards, other useful ways to promote myself i have not yet explored is online, i feel i should set up a website and a Behance account, Behance Network is an online portfolio platform for creative professionals across multiple industries, including photography, graphic design, illustration, and fashion. Organizations such as the AIGA, Adweek, ADC, and MTV have partnered with the Behance Network to create galleries of creative work. The company has also been vocal on the topic of crowdsourcing.

Another useful online site is LinkedIn this is another website used for linking different creatives together, a way to get myself out there.

Enterprise 2.

Based on the principles that have been introduced so far in the Enterprise module, as well as the previous tasks, investigate, analyse and critically evaluate where your potential clients are located. You will need to consider the following questions:
  • Where are my potential clients/employers located?
  • What media do my potential clients/employers use?
  • What do you need to communicate and how does it match what your clients/employer need? 
Analyse and compare these examples in relation to the Political, Economic, Social and Technological

Starting my career in graphic design in the internet age will massively improve my chances to explore a much wider range of agencies not only in this country but across the world, although for now i would like to stay UK based, with music / fashion / publishing being such a global area for design i would say that my options are fairly limitless and my potential clients are all around me, my main thoughts currently are to move south to London and explore a range of design agencies there the only thing stopping me is the price of London, the prices down there are significantly higher than any where else in the country this could mean me staying up north for a few years. 

With my potential client groups the range of media goes from anything interactive on the internet to fully published books, CD / vinyl cases and everything in between, music still keeps a fairly good reproduction of Covers and poster art even though a high majority or album purchases are done online with websites such as iTunes, fashion is mostly published work / posters and brand and identity.

"Fashion is a high-impact, fast-paced industry that demands an aspirational visual message and requires constant reinvention. Graphic design for fashion must represent the core values of the brand while pushing boundaries and expectations" - Graphic Design for Fashion Jay Hess and Simone Pasztorek.