Thursday 8 December 2011

Enterprise 2.

Based on the principles that have been introduced so far in the Enterprise module, as well as the previous tasks, investigate, analyse and critically evaluate where your potential clients are located. You will need to consider the following questions:
  • Where are my potential clients/employers located?
  • What media do my potential clients/employers use?
  • What do you need to communicate and how does it match what your clients/employer need? 
Analyse and compare these examples in relation to the Political, Economic, Social and Technological

Starting my career in graphic design in the internet age will massively improve my chances to explore a much wider range of agencies not only in this country but across the world, although for now i would like to stay UK based, with music / fashion / publishing being such a global area for design i would say that my options are fairly limitless and my potential clients are all around me, my main thoughts currently are to move south to London and explore a range of design agencies there the only thing stopping me is the price of London, the prices down there are significantly higher than any where else in the country this could mean me staying up north for a few years. 

With my potential client groups the range of media goes from anything interactive on the internet to fully published books, CD / vinyl cases and everything in between, music still keeps a fairly good reproduction of Covers and poster art even though a high majority or album purchases are done online with websites such as iTunes, fashion is mostly published work / posters and brand and identity.

"Fashion is a high-impact, fast-paced industry that demands an aspirational visual message and requires constant reinvention. Graphic design for fashion must represent the core values of the brand while pushing boundaries and expectations" - Graphic Design for Fashion Jay Hess and Simone Pasztorek.

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