Saturday 14 January 2012


About AMMO.

Ressearching into different Illustration magazines to help us specify our tone of voice and see how we can better the already thriving illustration industry

At Ammo we're addicted to illustration. In fact we can't get enough of the stuff so we decided to create a printed magazine and website dedicated to finding and exposing the best illustrators in the world!


We don't care whether the artwork's been created using the humble pencil, mighty fineliner, Mouse, felt tip pen, crayon, Wacom pen, paint brush, fingers or any other method - we want to see it!

We're also proud to be independent. There's no large publishing corporation providing funding, dictating the content of our products or influencing the work we decide to showcase. Ammo's been created out of a love for art with the hope that people will be able to use the publication and website as a platform to showcase their skills and gain recognition.

So that's us. That's Ammo.

How we work?

We have a slightly different approach to publishing than other magazines. We don't do limited edition.


There have been numerous times when we've discovered a great looking magazine and then been dissapointed to find that the back issues are all sold out. So we try to keep our editions available for as long as possible with no set print-run. The art in our publications is outstanding and we want to share it with as many people as possible.

The costs of printing our first edition, setting up a website and running the magazine were paid for out of our personal savings. From that starting point each new issue has been financed by the previous issue. We also use money raised from sales to re-print older issues as and when needed. We think we're pretty unique in that sense and hope to keep all of our titles available online for as long as possible.

These are images of their Illustrators selection for 3 different Issues, they seem to have a nice wide range of designers for each issue, something we should consider.

Open publication - Free publishing - More ammo



AMMO, is a particularly cheap magazine costing only £5.00 which i think is brilliant considering the amount of illustration inside and with such a broad range, our magazine should be cheap if not free to be one better than this, i also think we should include goody bags etc.


A pretty much essential idea for our magazine, submissions, something to get our readers involved and to also create new opportunities for us and our readers.

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