Saturday 6 October 2012

Personal Promotion.

Another quick task set by our tutor in order to get us thinking creatively again and in order to push us into contacting studios and generally promoting our selves, i didn't spend too much time on this, but that has made me realise how i can improve what i did, i decided to run with the concept of 'unfolding concepts from creative angles' This allowed me to develop ideas with folds and angles within my promotional material and i was fairly happy with the result.

Things i have taken away from this task;

› Bold (considered) use of colour could help my promotional material more recognisable.
› There are 7000 others in the same position as me in the graphic design industry, i need to stand out.


We have been set a task in order to answer questions about who we would like to be as designers by filing in our 20 wants and needs for these topics.

› Portfolio
› Products
› Questions
› Research
› Skills


Friday 30 March 2012

Taks 5.

Proposed submission statements.

10 short statements summarising my distininct positioning as a graphic designer.

- I aim to create innovative and original graphic design for brand / identity, publication design and packaging over a range of media.

- I am driven by information and would like to continue creating graphic design based strongly around supply information.

- I would like to stay mostly print based as this is my strongest point, although i also enjoy creating design for motion graphics.

- I work well with collaboration weather it's me and one other person or a group of people.

- I would like to create work for clients that are passionate about their concepts.

- I can maintain a balance between developing concepts adhering to client needs and my own creating needs.

- I would like to develop relationships between both freelance designers and collaborative agencies.

- I am driven mostly by image work, although recently type has become a huge part of my design direction.

- I would like to develop a deeper understanding into colour theory throughout my practice.

- Over summer i want to visit as many studios as possible in order to gain relationships and a greater understanding of how they work.

Friday 2 March 2012

Agencies SWOT.

Looking through a few agencies considering pro's and con's within their business focus, using the SWOT analysis to evaluate strengths and weaknesses.

The first agency i felt was a good start evaluate was Tappin Gofton this agency focuses on design for print for the music industry creating design mostly for artwork for albums.

Tappin Gofton.


Strengths that lie within this agency are:

- They will be well known in the industry for creating graphic design for artwork, thus giving them a reputation and bringing in more work.

- They will have many connections in their area due to working solely with artists.

- They are London based, being in a capital always has benefits for business as it will be the hottest market for most business in the country.


- Producing graphic design only for album artwork could be a bad choice, if anything happened to the music industry, they would be left with no other routes for graphic design.

 - Only producing printed work, although print is making a come back it could be that in the near future digital will be the most dominant form of graphic design.


- With the music industry growing as much as it is, especially with the digital age we are in now, people can communicate over the internet much faster than ever before, meaning new musical artists can be found very easily and any new artist will need new design, supplying Tappin with business.


- The main threat for this agency is piracy, the music industry or more so the people have taken piracy to a new level, and with this the industry has taken a blow millions of pounds are being lost due to illegally downloading music, this could pose a threat if the music industry ever went under.

Dan Blackman.

Second studio being a single man studio ran by Dan Blackman.


He has a very broad range of work with completely different clients for each project, and a lot of it, this will help him bring in new customers, also by designing for various client groups he will expand his client base much more than most designers, his work is all kept to a similar style which if needed will get him a lot of work.


By using a similar style throughout his work he limits himself to clients, having a style means only people looking for that style will hire him, his work is very vector based and uses little imagery.

He creates work mostly for Identity and branding which again limits his client list.


Brand and Identity will never die people will always need brand and Identity, it is one of the corner stones to a great business, if he enables himself to continue to work with a wide client list he could set up a larger studio employ others and continue to expand.


- Only working to print he limits himself digitally, if print does eventually die he could be out of work or loose a lot of his clients.

- Working with a restrictive style all of the time means he may not be able to evolve with the industry, meaning if his approach towards graphic designs becomes ugly and nobody wants to use his style he could again loose many clients or his job.

Monday 27 February 2012

Print Costings.

Looking for prices for the print costs of our magazine to be produced, starting with contacting TEAM, we felt that it would be cheaper for us to use a print company such as team as apposed to purchasing our own printer and materials, also because we wouldn't be using the print machines etc. much at all.


Again after re thinking our advertising rates, we decided to cut them quite a bit our initial idea was to charge 1000 pounds per full page spread, 600 for half and 350 for a quarter, but upon realising our magazine wasn't yet that popular we cut the charges in half, but after our first year of sales we upped them to 750 per full page spread 400 for half and 200 for a quarter, thus giving us more profit.


After re-evaluating our situation, i felt it best we didn't use a studio at all, we won't be working all day every day for two months to design a magazine, although it will take a while, i feel the best thing to do is use the heart in Headingley for the hot desks, this way we can use the silver package offered by heart which gives us 50 hours per month to use the facilities, it is big enough to hold 20 people and offers a kitchenette which is perfect to hold meetings also for our illustrators.