Tuesday 25 October 2011

Progress Tutorial 1.

ATTENDANCE – evaluate your attendance and identify any issues that may have affected your ability to be in and on time.


- I feel my attendance so far has not been great, though the two days I had off were due to illness I felt I missed out on important sessions and found it difficult to catch up on the information we had been received.

BLOGS. Evaluate you use of the course Blogs. When documenting, recording and evaluating your work, interests and progress.


- My blogging has not started off as strong as last year, I have not been blogging studio tasks as soon as we receive them making it harder for myself to keep up.

CURRENT PROGRESS Evaluate the strengths and areas for improvement in your current progress in Level 05 of he programme.


- I feel my strengths at the moment are in the Good is…? Brief, my idea generation has been getting better throughout and I’m finding it interesting, which is also helping me find new inspiration and different and new media for my context blog.

- I feel my weaknesses lie in keeping up with the small tasks and managing my time properly, i have been falling behind with a few tasks and with research I should be collecting in order to help my direction.

Identify specific actions that you intend to take in order to improve or consolidate your current progress 

- I feel I need to blog studio sessions and complete studio tasks as soon as I can with the information given fresh in my mind.

- I would like to manage my time better by staying in college after studio time in order to keep myself working.

- Research every opportunity I can in order to keep finding new inspiration and a good body of context and references.

- Evaluating and annotating my own work better in order to aid my design development, finding out where I’ve gone wrong. 

- Read Magazines and issue for graphic design in order to further my vocabulary so I can document and talk about work with better terminology. 

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