Tuesday 7 February 2012

Top Ten Idents.

All idents finished and selected now, this being the final one, i am pleased with how they have all turned out, i could have tried some different techniques but with the time left i don't think i would have done much better.

Finally finished my 3rd Ident, had a little trouble as posted below but managed to fix everything, i particularly like the simplicity of this ident, especially with the music, with a lot of discovery science ident's there programmes don't have a great deal going on, so this one fits best of all in my opinion.

Finishing touches to my second ident, this time in keeping with the title sequence design i have kept flat colour and simple graphics, including one image of a lizard hand, i also included a numbers effect as the line draws from finger tip to finger tip, showing the length, again another very simple effect but used in the right context looks quite effective. i have happy with the way this one turned out, an will probably use it in my final 4 idents.

Starting with my first ident, i felt i needed to mix up the designs with some imagery, just to give a different feel to it, still including my timeline.

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